With only days away from what many consider the most important election of our lifetime and an unprecedented high percentage of voters expected to turn out to the polls all across the country, the most important question for most citizens especially residents in Mississippi, is not whether if they will vote or not, but "WHERE DO I VOTE?
To find out where you go and vote, including the specific address, name of building, and even a contact phone number, simply click here and enter your address. The Mississippi Secretary of State Office has provided a link on it's website to make it easier to find out where do you go vote.

The election is schedule for Tuesday, November 6, 2018. However, if you think you will be out of town, a military personnel or family, a student, handicapped, a senior citizen, or if you think you have to work, you don't have to miss the November 6 election, you can go vote now. Forrest County Court House will be open Monday - Fri
day, 8:00am - 5:00pm, and Saturdays from 8:00am - 12:00pm. This is called an absentee vote.
All you need to vote is a simple photo i.d. It can be issued by your job, school, prison, or government. You can bring any form of photo i.d to cast your vote. With so many crucial races especially in Forrest County, from the Battle of Youth and County Court, Chancery Courts, even a special Forrest County Justice Court race to the battle over Congress, officials say it's important that everyone go out and vote.