At 5:49pm on Saturday, March 13, 22 year old Lamarcus Kidd, who according to sources is a leader of Undivided Vice Lord, a made-up criminal street gang known for shooting, robbery and drug trafficking, turned himself into Hattiesburg Police Department. He was charged with one count of shooting into an occupied dwelling. He was also charged with one count of aggravated assault with the use of a deadly weapon. His charges come from an ongoing altercation around 9pm on Friday, March 12, 2021.
In a recorded video recorded by witnesses that has surfaced online from the alleged incident, Kidd allegedly shoots 14 rounds of gunfire into an apartment at the Bonhomie Apartments, 1810 Country Club Rd. Bystanders can be heard screaming "it's kids in the apartment!" and is the reason the community outraged.
The altercation was originally between two teenage girls that took place earlier Friday at Hattiesburg High School. That altercation quickly escalated Friday night after school when one of the girls refused to come outside to fight the other teenager again.
After unsuccessfully trying to kick the door down multiple of times, because it was being held up by a family member who possibly saved the life of the teenager and the kids within the apartment, Kidd allegedly shot into the home, shot after shot after shot after shot.
Kidd hopped in a car and his gang quickly drove away from the apartment complex leaving many in shock and surprised. Sources say they were only very concerned at that moment that kids could have been hurt or worse.
The unidentified male who risked his own life to save the life of the kids in the home by holding up the door refusing to allow the gang to kick it in was shot and taken to the hospital. He is reportedly in stable conditions.
On Monday, March 15, Kidd first court appearance was set at 2:30pm. The judge set Kidd's bond at $150,000. The judge set the bond at $100,000 for aggravated assault with use of a deadly weapon and $50,000 for shooting into an occupied dwelling. In order to get out, he would have to come up with $15,000 by state law.
However, even if he comes up with $15,000, he still won't be released regardless if he pays the bond or not.
Our news agency spoke with Tate County Sheriff's Office who confirmed they have issued a capias warrant for his arrest. This warrant is known as a hold. The sheriff's office also said they have spoke with Forrest County's Sheriff's Office and are making preparations to come to Hattiesburg to pick Kidd up and transport him back to Tate County.
According to sources, Kidd was involved in street gang activity with other Undivided Vice Lords in Senatobia, MS. While there, he was arrested for possession of a stolen fire arm.
Kidd appeared in Tate County Circuit Court on January 29, 2020 and was sentenced to 5 years non-adjudicated. That means the charge would immediately disappear from his record.
The judge also ordered Kidd to 1 year drug testing from February 8, 2020 to February 8, 2021. However, he failed one drug test and refused to take another. He also stop going and reporting. That's the reason Tate County Sheriff's Office has placed a hold on him.
But more troubling is Tate County Circuit Court Judge ordered Kidd not to violate any other laws within the United States for at least 5 years.
This arrest according to sources has violated that clause of the judge's order and therefore, Kidd must appear back in front of the judge where the District Attorney will officially report to the judge that Kidd has violated several parts of the judge's order.
The judge will then decided whether to send Kidd to prison for violating multiple part of his previous order within the first year of his 5 year sentence or give Kidd yet another chance.
First, Tate County Circuit Court Judge must choose to release him or send him to prison to serve his initial 5 year sentence in the custody of Mississippi Department of Corrections. Then once his first case in Tate County has been resolved, he can start to deal with his new gun related charge from the March 12, 2021 shooting in Hattiesburg.
This story was updated on March 17, 2021 at 1:27pm.