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Georgia and Pennsylvania Falls to Joe Biden This Morning

More than likely, Joe Biden will be declared to be the next President of the United States at some point today as he takes the lead in Georgia and Pennsylvania. He also has the lead in Nevada. The Associated Press and Fox News has declared Joe Biden winner of Arizona.

With only military votes left to be counted in Georgia and additionally votes to be counted in Pennsylvania, in which officials think will go toward Biden, most networks have already started to prepare to declare Joe Biden the President-Elect at some point today.

However, Donald Trump has already stated he will mount legal challenges in which he claims may end up in the Supreme Court in the coming days to hopefully cast out legally casted votes. He is hoping for the same outcome as Bush vs Gore.

Most election experts see a steady trend of increasing votes for Joe Biden in Pennsylvania in which will kill any chance for Donald Trump to win making it impossible for him to see a clear path to victory.

No winner has been declared yet. It's not over for Donald Trump. Although democrats have won the last 6 of 7 of the last popular vote elections, republicans have found ways to win. This outcome is yet to be determined.


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