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Dear Saints fans, It's time to get over it.

Darrell Reese Jr.

Dear New Orleans Saints fans, it’s time to get over the NFC Championship game. Yes, it was a pass interference but there were other missed calls that led up to that moment. Even the Rams cornerback that was on the play said it was a pass interference but at the end of the day he can’t control wheather the referee should throw the flag or not. But in all honesty it was a PA, it’s obvious and even the referee knew it. 

Days after the game, Saints fans wrote letters and ranted about the NFL should re-enforce a do-over.  Commissioner Roger Goodell was asked about the no call and he stated that his committee went over it and talked to Saints players about what transpired but, in the end, no game will be played over. 

Besides the NBA taking over Super Bowl weekend, Saints fans til this day are still angry and want the referees to be questioned. 

At the end of the day, the Saints lost and it’s time to let it go and focus on the offseason. 

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