2018 has been a historical year caused by the actions of the mind. But who are those people and how have they shaped and or redefine 2018?
As we try to define influence, think of someone who you can nominate as the most influential person of 2018.
What is influence? Dictionary.com defines influence as the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something or the effect itself.
Merriam- Webster defines influence as the power or capacity of causing effect in indirect or intangible ways.
The Oxford dictionary describes influence as the power to shape policy or ensure favorable treatment from someone, especially through status, contacts, or wealth.
Influence is the very essence of power. Influence is the foundation and root of power. That power can be used to cause change. That change can have a direct or indirect effect on someone or something.
Help us find them. If there is someone who you think we should consider who has made a huge impact in your city, community, or area email us.
Send all nominees to: info@thepinebeltnews.com. Please be sure to include what they have done to be included on our list, what's there current occupation, and as much info about the person as possible.