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Rapper "Lil Jon" Opens Second School in Ghana

Darrell Reese Jr.

What if someone told you that Lil Jon was in the news. I’m sure you would think he just released a new album or a hit song. But that’s not the case. Atlanta rapper “Jonathan Smith“ formerly known as Lil Jon just opened his second school in Ghana!

His goal is to give back and push his efforts for education to those in need. In 2017, he opened his first school in Ghana in honor of his mother. Partnering with the non-profit Pencils and Promise he achieve his goal of opening a second school. I honestly feel that education and the ability to create something special is key. Providing kids with opportunities to have an education is what should drive society because these kids are the future. It was a donation of 70,000 to give these kids the ability to learn and expand their knowledge.

One school is in the village of Mafi Atitekpo and the other is in Abomayaw. With an enrollment of 313 and they are looking to have more in the near future.

Students are being "taught in unfavorable learning conditions. Kindergarten students are learning in open pavilions with unfinished walls and dirt floors, and without formal doors or windows,” according to Pencils of Promise.

Lil Jon is known for his music and loud uproars but this is what I will forever remember him for. Education is a powerful tool to have and these kids now have that tool which gives them a choice on what they want to do with it. I always say 'Knowledge is Power' so furthering your education only means gaining more knowledge! I tip my hat off to people with a higher power that open schools and do it for the right reasons. He join a rare distinct class of other iconic figures who also opened schools reshaping young minds for generations to come. To name a few who name speak volumes in itself; let's just say LeBron James and P. Diddy.

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