In one of the most disturbing images yet from Kenosha, Wi, is a 17 year old white supremist, Kyle Rittenhouse, walking pass police several times with an assault rifle that isn't his after he has just murder 2 protesters and wounded at least one other Tuesday Night without being stopped or questioned by the police at least once.
According to multiple reports, Kyle is an advocated supporter of "Blu Lives Matter", which is reference repeatedly on his social media pages. In a more disturbing background context, a video has surfaced as the police can be heard thanking white racist radical groups with heavy armed weapons for coming to the city and walking the streets. Other pictures have surfaced of the police even handing out water to the extreme racist groups.
This is in highlight of protesters protesting over the same police shooting of an unarmed black man at least 7 times in the back in front of his kids after he was trying to solve an altercation in his community between two women according to multiple witness. In an all to familiar scene of the police treating black men differently than white people, often times using excessive force, such as kneeling on George Floyd neck for 7 minutes in which he famously yelled out, "I can't breathe" right before police killed him a few months ago also in Wisconsin, this incident shows the police complete disregard towards armed white men, in this case, someone who intentionally murdered peaceful protesters protesting about racial injustice.
Protesters where chanting "Black Lives Matter" when suddenly Riddlehouse opened fire on the crowd. The crowd immediately tried to chase him and fight him to unarm him, but he opened up more fire on the crowds. More disturbing are reports from witnesses pointing and screaming to police to arrest the 17 year old white man because he just shot and killed protesters as he was walking pass police. However, the police didn't stop him not even once, although he can be heard saying on a video, "I just killed someone." This is a reminder to some of how another armed white supremist was peacefully treated by police, Dylan Roof, after he too had just killed multiple black people.
17 year old Rittlehouse is now in custody after being arrested by police in Antioch, Illinois, about 15 minutes from Kenosha, and charged with suspicion of 1st degree-intentional homicide.